
The regeneration of buildings - Milano Verticale Hotel

"The face of Milan is in its buildings that, by combining the ancient with the modern, characterise its identity"


On 26 October at Identità Urbane by UrbanFile Claudio Saverino will talk about our interior architecture and landscape project Milano Verticale Hotel together with Marco Poncetta (Unipol Group), Paolo Asti (Asti Architetti), Margherita Brianza (P'ARCNOUVEAU) and Fabrizio Gaggio (UNA Group).

The event, moderated by Alessandra Coppa after an introduction by Leonardo Menicali (Urbanfile), will discuss Milano Verticale: a building created to transform the traditional concept of "hotel" into a space that is at the same time an urban hotel, a food & beverage destination, a meeting place for work and a hub of innovative services.


The meeting will be held at the building, giving participants the opportunity to see concretely what we will describe during the meeting. 

To attend click on this link.